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Book Proposal Critique

It doesn’t matter how amazing your book idea is, you won’t be able to get your book traditionally published without an incredible book proposal! You don’t want to accidentally omit important elements of your proposal. Or inadvertently get it wrong.

Consider this:

  1. How much more confident would you feel if you knew that you wrote a book proposal based on the advice of literary agents who review and evaluate proposals for a living?
  2. What would it be like if you knew exactly what to say and what to include so your proposal wouldn’t be rejected due to confusion or lack of substance?
  3. What would it feel like to have agents and editors emailing and calling YOU about publishing your book — instead of fishing around for contact information or sending emails that get no response?
  4. How much would it mean if you could realize your dream of becoming a published author, hold your book in your hands, and watch how it impacts others’ lives?

There are no guarantees with publishing, but if you write a poor proposal, your journey will stop dead before it even gets started. This course offers you the expert insights you need to put your very best foot forward and increase your opportunity to get published. You will know you won’t be wasting valuable time and resources on what doesn’t work.

Say YES to discovering how to get the attention of agents and editors by writing an awesome book proposal — instead of taking a chance that may cause your hard-wrought book idea to be totally ignored.