Author Coaching University

From Idea to Bookshelf

Author Coaching University is the onlyĀ program that offers personal coaching from publishing industry veterans to help you write, publish, and market your book.

To be notified when enrollment opens up again, join our waitlist below.

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What is Author Coaching University?

Author Coaching University is a nine-month coaching program designed to help you to go “from idea to bookshelf”! As a member, you’ll participate in monthly LIVE Sessions and Office Hours, where you'll get the foundational training and guidance you need to help you move along in your Author Success Journey. 

Through our proprietary Author Success Framework™, you’ll learn the path to becoming a successful published author, such as:

  • Defining and demystifying the writing and editorial process
  • How to title your book so that it sells itself
  • How to build an author platform so you can sell more books (and get a bigger advance!)
  • When and how to find a literary agent
  • Inside information about the acquisition and publishing process
  • How to maximize your relationship with a traditional publisher
  • And so much more…

Imagine how it feels to have all the publishing mysteries explained easily and concisely while being guided to success by an experienced Coach; that's Author Coaching University!

Case Study

"From Unknown to Published Author"

Hear firsthand from one of our ACU Members, Evan Owens. He'll share why he chose ACU and what it's like being in an empowering cohort with other writers who are just as committed to their dreams!


What You Will GetĀ in Author Coaching University


Customized, Expert Advice

You’ll receive customized, expert advice on overcoming your specific obstacles and dilemmas, from writer's block to publisher conflicts, audience overhaul, and underperforming books.

Tactical Solutions

You’ll be given tactical solutions--informed by everything we’ve learned--to help move you forward, tailored to your Author Success Journey.

Learn from Other Authors

You’ll get a chance to learn from the experiences of other authors so that you can reach similar heights (and avoid certain mistakes).

Inside Information

You’ll receive inside information about current publishing trends.


Our experienced Coaches will help and encourage you so you can remain confident and motivated to complete your work. Sign up as a VIP and get a 1:1 Accountability Coach.

Field-Tested Techniques

You’ll discover the techniques that our roster of bestselling authors use to reach their audience, make side income, grow their platform, and expand their influence.

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The Power of a Cohort and Community

After each monthly Live Training, we will follow up with ACU Office Hours, where our Coaches are available to answer your individual and specific questions. Imagine a safe, supportive environment where you can receive seasoned advice regarding your specific publishing challenges.

What dilemma are you facing?
Where do you want to go, and how do you want to get there?

Author Coaching University is an exciting opportunity for authors to not only learn from other published professionals but also form relationships with those at different stages of their Author Success Journey. You can expect deep and insightful discussions led by experts who are willing to share all they know.

Members will also be invited to join our exclusive online community. There you'll be able to connect with others who understand the struggles and successes of writing. You will also have access to our team of Coaches who will be available to help you on your Author Success Journey.

Watch a recent recording of an ACU cohort session now.

Not only will it provide an idea of what YOU can experience in this amazing community, but we hope you will take advantage of this FREE content you will hear with it’s discussion, questions, and tips. 

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"I am so thankful I was able to be exposed to Author Coaching, the brand, and the team...I've taken the Kool-Aid on this and it has transformed my business and my life..."

- Noah Elias: Author, Artist, Mentor, Speaker  

"I am so thankful I was able to be exposed to Author Coaching, the brand, and the team...I've taken the Kool-Aid on this and it has transformed my business and my life..."

Noah Elias: Author, Artist, Mentor, Speaker  

"...I had been stuck and unable to get my first book out. I joined the Group Coaching program and it has helped me so much...I cannot recommend this enough..."

- Ines Franklin: Teaching Pastor, Mariners Church, Founder of Trochia Ministries

"...I had been stuck and unable to get my first book out. I joined the Group Coaching program and it has helped me so much...I cannot recommend this enough..."

Ines Franklin: Teaching Pastor, Mariners Church, Founder of Trochia Ministries

At Yates & Yates Author Coaching, We Believe You Have a Powerful Message… and We Want to Help You Share It!

Formed by professionals from Yates & Yates, one of the nation’s leading literary agencies, we will coach you on how to build a publishing career and maximize your influence. With more than 125 years in publishing, our expertise has been honed over decades of coaching authors on everything from growing a platform to developing content to creating marketing plans and executing bestselling book launches.

You shouldn’t have to “know everything” to become a successful author. That’s our job. We believe that God has uniquely equipped us to help others use their gifts. You bring your talents and message, and we will guide you through the publishing and business aspects of achieving your dream.

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Includes Access to our Entire Author Success Framework™ Course Library 
($4,188 Value)

These are courses you can access on-demand, with over 10 hours of world-class instruction, workbooks, and exercises to help you get where you want to go as an author. Our courses will train you on how to succeed in your Author Success Journey while navigating the challenges of Writing, Marketing, and Publishing your book.

"The biggest takeaway for me was that they gave me the courage to finish the process... with their encouragement and ideas, I can actually hold now, in my hands, my first book."

- Aaron Zapata: Real Estate Business Owner, Author

"The biggest takeaway for me was that they gave me the courage to finish the process... with their encouragement and ideas, I can actually hold now, in my hands, my first book."

Aaron Zapata: Real Estate Business Owner, Author

"I feel like I've just been immersed into the world of what it really means to create a bit of the publishing engine, not just writing manuscripts..."

- Benjamin Windel: Senior Pastor of Lifeplace Church, Author, Life Strategist

"I feel like I've just been immersed into the world of what it really means to create a bit of the publishing engine, not just writing manuscripts..."

Benjamin Windle: Senior Pastor of Lifeplace Church, Author, Life Strategist

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Enrollment is Limited and Will Expire

Application for Enrollment is Now Closed.
If you’re serious about being an author, and Author Coaching University sounds right for you,
JOIN THE WAITLIST and be one of the first to hear when the doors reopen!
 You will not regret it, we guarantee it!

Join the Waitlist
"I've enjoyed the passion of the group and learning from other writers what fuels and drives them...I highly encourage if you are considering becoming an author, to join the Author Coaching program."

Elliott Powell: Senior Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Founder of Elliott Powell Ministries

"I'm beginning to see my dream, that prior to group coaching with the Yates&Yates team, was just that, 'a dream', now becoming my reality..."

Joel Johnson: Speaker, Author, Teaching Pastor, Relentless Church

Do these questions resonate with you? 

  • “Should I wait for a traditional publisher to make me an offer, or should I just self-publish? What are the pros and cons?”
  • “There are so many books in the marketplace, and mine is getting lost in the crowd. What are specific things I can be doing to get my book in front of my audience?”
  • “Everybody keeps telling me I should write a book. I need someone to explain exactly what to do and help me make it happen.”
  • “Agents and editors keep saying I need to grow my platform. I need a lot of marketing help.”
  • “I self-published my first book last year, but it didn’t sell very well. What can I do right now to help my book perform better?”
  • “What are the strengths and weaknesses of different publishing teams? How do I know what to look for in a publisher?”
  • “How do I land my dream agent?”

You have two choices:

  1. Figure it out on your own and risk wasting time and money in the process
  2. Join Author Coaching University and get personalized Writing, Marketing, and Publishing guidance to accelerate your Author Success Journey. 
Join the Waitlist

Jennie Allen

“When I entered the publishing world, I fell into the deep end fast. I didn’t know what I was doing. To bring [Yates & Yates] into the picture was a gift. I could focus on what God put me on earth to do, and they could focus on the business of it.”

Dr. Ben Carson

“[Working with Yates & Yates] is like having someone on your baseball team who knows how to play baseball versus having Mickey Mantle—it makes such a big difference. I highly recommend them.”